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“I learned about Flying from that” – Book Review

"I Learned About Flying From That" book

Book Review:  I Learned About Flying From That, Vol. 3 from the editors of Flying Magazine

I bought I Learned About Flying From That book last summer and really enjoyed reading it so I thought I’d share it.  It is a compilation of stories chronicling near-misses in flying, that were submitted by readers and originally published in the actual “Flying” magazine.  The articles are a series of entertaining stories of pilot’s real experiences of a situations that could have turned out much worse – and many times the outcome could have been much worse – and someone has survived to learn a good lesson from it.  The purpose is to alert other pilots to expect the unexpected and serve as a warning flag when things could potentially go very wrong.

The book is organized in ten different sections, each relaying a series of short stories from that topic. For example: pushing limits, fuel starvation, engine trouble, navigation, good luck, and showing proper respect, to name a few.   It is a very enjoyable read, a book you can go back to again and again to reference information, or just for an interesting read.

I found the articles both entertaining, informative, and educational.  I recommend it, it’s great for pilots and non-pilots, too.

You can purchase the book here.

What are your favorite books about flying?  If you have any recommendations, comment below.

Book Reference:

Flying Magazine, 1983 “I Learned About Flying From That.” TAB Books, McGraw Hill, Inc. Chicago, IL (ISBN: 0-8306-4281-3)