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Why the Aviat Husky is the Ultimate Backcountry Airplane

We’ve posted a few videos and blogs where the Aviat Husky has been featured. So why is this airplane so impressive? Well, for backcountry use, it’s the ultimate, rugged and reliable aircraft. Here are some of the reasons why it’s a top backcountry performer!

1. Runways are optional with a 200 foot takeoff roll.

Add some strong headwind? This decreases even more.

2. Low power on stall speed.

The husky stalls at 38 Knots. That’s 43 mph. Once you are off the ground, you can easily clear terrain with a speed slower than the speed limit for many residential streets.

Image Courtesy of
Image Courtesy of

3. Great climb rate.

With a climb rate of 1500 fpm, get to altitude faster and over the mountains quickly.

aviat husky
Image from

4. 20,000 foot service ceiling.

That’s high. For North America, the only mountain range it can’t clear is Denali, in Alaska.  Watch as the Husky tows a skiier up a mountain in Alaska.

Image from
Image from

5. Low fuel burn.

A fuel burn of only 7.7 gallons/hour. Gas is expensive, so a low fuel burn rate helps.

Husky Cockpit. Image from
Husky Cockpit. Image from

6. Huge flaps.

With 60% span semi-fowler flaps, they allow you to go slow safely with better forward visibility.

The huge flaps on the Husky allow it great flying versatility.
The huge flaps on the Husky allow it great flying versatility.

7. Short field landings?

Also no problem, with a 350 foot landing distance required.

Check out this short field landing.

What a machine! Image from
What a machine! Image from

8. The view.

These airplanes help you access backcountry places in your airplane you can only dream of.

What a view. Image from
What a view. Image from